In Season 4, it’s 1960 and change is in the air. Looking to hone her act, Midge finds a gig with total creative freedom. But her commitment to her craft—and the places it takes her—creates a rift between her and the family and friends around her.
Lenny Lenny Lenny!她们总在说大女主,但是四季才等来的Lenny才是此剧的点睛之笔。没有人能像是天命所授预知一切地顺利走完人生青云直上。正如许多少女为热血男孩引领梦想之路,女人也一样期待一个靠谱的男人能正确引导并携手共进。但也仅仅如此,做出选择的应该是女人自己,与风雪搏斗的应该是女人你自己。如果Lenny死了,it will break my damn heart.(kids are here)