life is so fucked up, right?but we got to get over it and move shit on. 这季太棒 全程燃点和泪点,Netflix优质出品。编剧真是太懂人生。最难忘Doggit说:Do you know difference between pain and suffering?pain is awalys there,because life is freaking painful,but suffering is a choice.
这一季每一个角色个性丰满且可爱,片尾曲都好,比前三季好看。七郎更白更美,Piper演技有进步:It didn't matter what choices we made,we would've ended up right here on this fucking bed sitting next to each other in prison.Doomed to be together.Exactly. 值得期待下一季。#7887
  HHG✤2016-07-14 02:21:03  
wrong person got treated wrongly by the wrong man in the wrong way in a wrong time and a wrong place. And finally the wrong girl get the gun