This show is still good. Its just that its been too long and I donno where this is going. Is Rebecca ever gonna change/grow? What would the show be if she did?
好看!brilliant and ambitious. EP4是整部电视剧高潮,(不论是剧情还是拍摄手法都是),然后之后是Rebecca漫漫的修复之旅。其实我觉得如果这季停在Rebecca给Nathan发短信哪里还蛮好的,还是一个很好的cliffhanger. 此外,这季音乐很好听,很多reprise,还有without love, you can save the world, 应该是我全季最爱的一首歌了吧。
第四集太搞笑太伤心了。每次Dr. Akopian都好棒。然后歌是亮点,Buttload of Cats和Miracle Of Birth尤其是,剧情虽然很狗血但是也用很夸张地体式格局涉及到很多真实问题。