「All of us are like stairs,one step after another,going up and down,but all going the same way.」「Everytime u hoped for something I couldn't deliver,it hurt.It hurt me,Mommy.And no matter what u hope for,I'll never be more than what I am.And u never see that,what I really am.」
当时看小说的时候就看得要哭要哭的,结果看电影完全一样。改编得很好,俞飞鸿、邬君梅和周采芹演得很好。这个拍得好的话特别很是容易孕育发生共鸣的,不仅放在第一代移民母亲和女儿之间。一方面切实其实父母皆祸害(电影这点上比原著淡化),另一方面也确实"mother never gives up the hopes for her daughter."