A sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother in the studio, where she can spend hours recording Foley and wild tracks, editing and mixing.But is her brain starting to slip out of sync?
概念、设法主意有点意思,实际拍出来,虽有100多分钟,还是没什么真东西。仔细想一想,听觉延迟,发展到听觉超前,从遗传疾病渐变到超自然,再回到心理,绕的弯是不少,但有点找不着标的目的的感觉,如果只是拍个纯粹的科幻片或是超级英雄电影会精彩很多。I love Marta Nieto acting face so much?
  兰多维利世的猫2022-08-08 04:55:46  
2022.8.7 UGC Ciné Cité Les Halles.本来要去看《假面》的,结果买不到票,只好随便换一个来看。这个电影又是玩声音的,不是我的菜啊