改遍自Jeff Hobbs的传记作品《The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace》这本书的主人公是一个新泽西州纽瓦克贫民窟里长大的男孩子,名叫罗伯特皮斯。他被耶鲁大学生物学专业录取,却在三十岁的时候,在贩毒帮派的斗殴中暴死街头。故事以罗伯特的耶鲁室友为叙述者,以旁观者的角度讲述了这个看似从原生阶级逆袭,而依然无法逃离悲剧命运的故事。The story of an inner-city Newark kid who attends Yale yet ultimately suc cumbs to harsh economic realities and the demons of his past.
You are tied to your historical inheritance, you are haunted by your convicted role model, you got to glimpse into the charm of science, but only briefly, because its glamour doesn’t outshine the grime of what you went through. Is it trauma? Does your father hold you back? Should you live up to his dreams or live for yourself?
[AMC Eastridge 15]
电影把原著中的精华基本体现出来了,尤其是怒其不争和对时代的无力感的交错。但“被盗的和平”是什么翻译? @ AMC Jersey Gardens