Romulus and Remus are 18-year-old shepherds brothers living in peace near the Tiber river. Convinced that he is bigger than gods" will, Remus believes that he is meant to become king of the city he will found together with his brother. But their tragic destiny is already written. This incredible journey will lead the two brothers to creating one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen.
That was brutal (and predictable)。反骨科的神都是垃圾!看一个意大利肉体基情史诗片我竟然哭了!本来还算正常的神话给编剧改成了狗血虐身虐心兄弟专场,为了救弟弟而悖神的哥哥太美味了我狂吸,这样的power bottom是极品我跟你们讲(。拍得原始神秘惨兮兮,一下子被拉进蛮荒泥沼,无处可逃,所有挣扎都敌不过一个垃圾神谕。把笔给我,我马上写万字同人给他们一个HE!!!!(不会的别催了)其实导演也是私心哥哥的吧,虽然最后是弟弟建立罗马,但通篇对哥哥的塑造都更加用心,各种痴汉大特写,从古至今他的名字和罗马相连,简直是白月光啊!