因为这部片子知道了Positano,所以选择了南意作为夏季度假地。Almafi海岸美翻了,那种沁入心底的蓝,我想我会记忆一生。Positano和电影里如出一辙,艳阳,海滩,意大利男人,骚动的荷尔蒙。面对这样的海天一色,望不到边的远方,是真的可以忘记生活的现实。 06/08/2013 in Serrento
They built the train over the Alps between Vienna and Venice even before there was a train in exist that could make the train,but they built it anyway.They know one day the train would come
  Aki2013-01-18 00:18:11  
I wish i could have this kind of life. go to a new place, get lost, feel lonely, then get used to the new lifestyle, make new friends, and find another inner-self.