In prison for killing his nemesis, Patrick Jane must prove that the man he shot really was Red John. Meanwhile, Lisbon urges Van Pelt to seek counseling in the aftermath of the death of her fiancé, Detective O'Laughlin. Written by CBS Publicity
感觉上是剧情最饱满的一季,Jane让我想起福尔摩斯了,博学、自信、以homicide为乐、热爱puzzle、爱喝茶、开特别的车…这季终于讲了Jane和Lisbon入手下手的第一案,Cho说的对,经历Red John后Jane才成为一个大好人。(Summer说You like me. Admit it. Cho一秒也没犹豫说Yes, I like you. 喜欢,简单直接。即使注定只能是一段crush。
  Chester`2011-12-23 20:44:31  
  劳劳劳2012-11-20 22:12:41  
等了多久终于牵手了!终于脱口说出一句“LOVE YOU”了!!多感动啊混蛋!给你一拳
  皓宇2012-05-20 01:16:59  
  Toraz2012-05-05 01:03:53  
I gave it 5 stars, for its warmth from heart, its slow tempo, its chemistry and its brilliance