无法理解这部电影当年票房的惨败,如果是因为美国人脑子不够用所以看不懂那也太扯了。我一个之前从没玩过原作游戏并且全程无字幕观影的人都能理解它在讲什么!Anyway,只能说这部影片放在当年太超前了。也许里程碑式的作品要经过多个时代的考验,希望所有这样的作品都不会被埋没。PS:结尾我简直泫然欲泣,一直默念open your eyes open your eyes然而并没有卵用,伴奏一响起我的心就碎了。
I am an enthusiast of Sci-Fi movies.But I never heard this movie in the past.And it is said to have a low box office. I was so confused that why this movie is unknown by people because it has a more excellent story and visual effect than the other Sci-Fi movies with 7-8 score on IMDB. In the meanwhile it's my first time to watch a CG movie.