Ari Ester拍诡异还是一把好手,第一段的一样平常恐惧真是感同身受地害怕。但相比上一部midsommar还是逊色很多,要施展阐发的太多,气势派头多样也就不统一,而且故事太多dejavu了——第一段的街区氛围是《小丑》(这个可以理解),第二段是Get out(闪回Aftersun),第三段的森林剧团是Station Eleven,第四段的巨物其实三年前在the good fight里就作为麦格芬最后出现。/最大笑点是Bill Hader未露脸客串
The most Freudian movie I’ve ever seen. A bit too long & too slow for my taste and the cartoon penis was weird. But this film is not made for the audience. It belongs to Ari Aster; has his stamps all over it. So who am I to judge? Whatever floats Ari’s/Beau’s boat!